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Coyote River Gear

Cargo Ant

Cargo Ant

Regular price $48.95
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SKU: 1209358

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The Coyote Cargo Ant Raft Cargo Strapping System is our favorite way to secure all your loose items into the boat. The Cargo Ant consists of 6 loop straps that attach to a centralized cam buckle ring, allowing for an adaptable and versatile strapping system that ensures every piece of loose gear has a strap running through it. Simply girth hitch the loop straps onto the d-rings or frame of your raft, run the tail end through each piece of gear you want to secure, then cinch it tight through a cam buckle on the center ring. We prefer this system to any cargo net or carry-all bag for its simplicity, security, and adaptability to any gear pile, not to mention the price! We run this system, in conjunction with a cargo floor, on all of our rental rafts. Make sure all your gear stays put with the Coyote Cargo Ant!

  • 6 strap cargo strap system with centralized cam buckle ring
  • Simple, secure, and adaptable to any raft rig setup
  • Allows you to strap in each and every piece of gear, for your peace of mind
  • No more fussing with nets or carry-all bags!
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