Niko checks in from the PacNW

Me on a “Campus visit” in Febuary
Hey everyone, Niko here:
I’m just checking in to share some of my recent adventures here in the Pacific Northwest. In August I left the 4Corners crew to start school up here at Lewis and Clark College in Portland Oregon.
Getting out on the water hasn’t exactly been easy though. There aren’t many motivated boaters on campus here and I don’t have a car. Also, my dorm room isn’t really big enough to fit all my gear.

The most dangerous part of kayaking right here
This hasn’t stopped me from getting out though. All the goods are up the Columbia River Gorge near Hood River, east of Portland. Luckily for me, through some friends in the area, I’ve got a couch to sleep on, a place to store my boat, and a connection to the HR boating scene. I’ve been hitchhiking up there on the weekends and bumming rides back with Portland boaters who come up for the day.
For all you Coloradoans, let me tell you that all the fantastic tales you hear of about the northwest really are true. The waterfalls are big, clean and cold, the season is nine months long, and yes, you really do need a drysuit.

Feeling comfy in my new Kokatat suit
Only 15 minutes outside of Hood River, the Green Truss section of the White Salmon is basically like the Animas Town Run for the locals…..

Just another day on the Truss for Dano
Except for the waterfalls and stuff!
Other runs have finally started to come into good flows though and I’ve recently been branching out onto some new runs.
The day after Halloween, Scott Baker, Chris Leach and I met up with Dano to run Eagle creek… the one with Metlako falls. Metlako wasn’t on the agenda for the day… but Skoonichuck was!

Me about to boof
and afterwards…
Baker aired out
Punchbowl falls was last and we all ran it but the pictures didn’t come out. It’s too bad because it’s one of the prettiest drops out there
The highlight of my paddling up here so far has been the Little White Salmon, known as L-Dub to locals. I met up with Louise Geltman on his birthday for a guided trip down this amazing run. Going just on verbal beta the whole way, I really didn’t have a chance to get out and take pictures. My camera sucks but here are a few snapshots in a feeble attempt to capture the beauty of the place.

Louise not feeling thirty yet…
entrance to chaos
Spirit Falls
Thats all folks!
The rains are coming and rivers are rising so i’ll keep you updated on any new runs I do